Für einen Kunden habe ich einen Postfix eingerichtet als Frontend Server für seine Exchange Infrastruktur. Die Mailadressen werden automatisch aus dem Active Directory ausgelesen und in einem Hash-File gespeichert. Vorteil ist das der Postfix so nur gültige Mailaliases zulässt. Der Frontend macht auch noch weitere Überprüfungen. (postgrey, policy-weight, etc.)
Folgendes Script wird für das Auslesen der Aliase aus dem AD verwendet:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T -w # Version 1.02 # This script will pull all users' SMTP addresses from your Active Directory # (including primary and secondary email addresses) and list them in the # format "user@example.com OK" which Postfix uses with relay_recipient_maps. # Be sure to double-check the path to perl above. # This requires Net::LDAP to be installed. To install Net::LDAP, at a shell # type "perl -MCPAN -e shell" and then "install Net::LDAP" use Net::LDAP; use Net::LDAP::Control::Paged; use Net::LDAP::Constant ( "LDAP_CONTROL_PAGED" ); # Enter the path/file for the output $VALID = "/etc/postfix/example_recipients"; # Enter the FQDN of your Active Directory domain controllers below $dc1="domaincontroller1.example.com"; $dc2="domaincontroller2.example.com"; # Enter the LDAP container for your userbase. # The syntax is CN=Users,dc=example,dc=com # This can be found by installing the Windows 2000 Support Tools # then running ADSI Edit. # In ADSI Edit, expand the "Domain NC [domaincontroller1.example.com]" & # you will see, for example, DC=example,DC=com (this is your base). # The Users Container will be specified in the right pane as # CN=Users depending on your schema (this is your container). # You can double-check this by clicking "Properties" of your user # folder in ADSI Edit and examining the "Path" value, such as: # LDAP://domaincontroller1.example.com/CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com # which would be $hqbase="cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" # Note: You can also use just $hqbase="dc=example,dc=com" $hqbase="cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com"; # Enter the username & password for a valid user in your Active Directory # with username in the form cn=username,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com # Make sure the user's password does not expire. Note that this user # does not require any special privileges. # You can double-check this by clicking "Properties" of your user in # ADSI Edit and examining the "Path" value, such as: # LDAP://domaincontroller1.example.com/CN=user,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com # which would be $user="cn=user,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" # Note: You can also use the UPN login: "user\@example.com" $user="cn=user,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com"; $passwd="password"; # Connecting to Active Directory domain controllers $noldapserver=0; $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($dc1) or $noldapserver=1; if ($noldapserver == 1) { $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($dc2) or die "Error connecting to specified domain controllers $@ \n"; } $mesg = $ldap->bind ( dn => $user, password =>$passwd); if ( $mesg->code()) { die ("error:", $mesg->code(),"\n","error name: ",$mesg->error_name(), "\n", "error text: ",$mesg->error_text(),"\n"); } # How many LDAP query results to grab for each paged round # Set to under 1000 for Active Directory $page = Net::LDAP::Control::Paged->new( size => 990 ); @args = ( base => $hqbase, # Play around with this to grab objects such as Contacts, Public Folders, etc. # A minimal filter for just users with email would be: # filter => "(&(sAMAccountName=*)(mail=*))" filter => "(& (mailnickname=*) (| (&(objectCategory=person) (objectClass=user)(!(homeMDB=*))(!(msExchHomeServerName=*))) (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(homeMDB=*) (msExchHomeServerName=*)))(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=contact)) (objectCategory=group)(objectCategory=publicFolder)(objectClass=msExchDynamicDistributionList) ))", control => [ $page ], attrs => "proxyAddresses", ); my $cookie; while(1) { # Perform search my $mesg = $ldap->search( @args ); # Filtering results for proxyAddresses attributes foreach my $entry ( $mesg->entries ) { my $name = $entry->get_value( "cn" ); # LDAP Attributes are multi-valued, so we have to print each one. foreach my $mail ( $entry->get_value( "proxyAddresses" ) ) { # Test if the Line starts with one of the following lines: # proxyAddresses: [smtp|SMTP]: # and also discard this starting string, so that $mail is only the # address without any other characters... if ( $mail =~ s/^(smtp|SMTP)://gs ) { push(@valid, $mail." OK\n"); } } } # Only continue on LDAP_SUCCESS $mesg->code and last; # Get cookie from paged control my($resp) = $mesg->control( LDAP_CONTROL_PAGED ) or last; $cookie = $resp->cookie or last; # Set cookie in paged control $page->cookie($cookie); } if ($cookie) { # We had an abnormal exit, so let the server know we do not want any more $page->cookie($cookie); $page->size(0); $ldap->search( @args ); # Also would be a good idea to die unhappily and inform OP at this point die("LDAP query unsuccessful"); } # Only write the file once the query is successful open VALID, ">$VALID" or die "CANNOT OPEN $VALID $!"; print VALID @valid; # Add additional restrictions, users, etc. to the output file below. #print VALID "user\@example.com OK\n"; #print VALID "user1\@example.com 550 User unknown.\n"; #print VALID "bad.example.com 550 User does not exist.\n"; close VALID;
Quelle: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~malth/gaptuning/postfix/
Ich habe das Perlscript in /etc/postfix abgelegt. Rechte sollten auch 700 sein. Diese 6 Parameter müssen geändert werden.
$VALID = "/etc/postfix/exchange_recipients"; $dc1="dc01.lanbugs.intra"; $dc2="dc02.lanbugs.intra"; $hqbase="cn=Users,dc=lanbugs,dc=intra"; $user="cn=sys-read-aliases-mailfront,cn=Users,dc=lanbugs,dc=intra"; $passwd="geheim123";
Das Script wird als Cronjob jede Stunde ausgeführt. Hierzu muss nur ein File mit dem Namen run_read_aliases_from_exchange.sh mit den Rechten 700 im Verzeichnis /etc/cron.hourly angelegt werden. (Debian/Ubuntu)
#!/bin/sh cd /etc/postfix ; ./getadsmtp.pl && postmap exchange_recipients
In der /etc/postfix/main.cf kann dann das neue Hash-File als relay_recipient_map verwendet werden.
... relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/exchange_recipients relay_domains = lanbugs.de transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 ...
relay_domains erlaubt allgemein die Domain lanbugs.de. mynetworks wurde noch um die IP-Adresse des Exchange Servers erweitert damit dieser E-Mails zur Außenwelt senden kann. Die transport_maps sorgen dafür dass alle Mails an lanbugs.de an den Exchange Server weiter transportiert werden.
/etc/postfix/transport: (nach dem Anlegen postmap /etc/postfix/transport nicht vergessen!!!!)
langbugs.de smtp:[]:25 ist der interne Exchange Server.
Viel Spaß mit dem Postfix Frontend 😉
Funktioniert 🙂